暴露前預防性投藥的常見問題  FAQs about PrEP
暴露前預防性投藥的常見問題 FAQs about PrEP






Q:什麼是暴露前預防性投藥 (PrEP) 啊?
Q: What is PrEP?
A: PrEP means pre-exposure prophylaxis, and it’s the use of a specific anti-HIV medication combination (tenofovir and emtricitabine) that keeps HIV negative people from becoming infected. Taking PrEP correctly can reduce 90% of HIV infection.
Q: Who can take PrEP?
A:, ANYONE who is HIV-negative and wants to protect himself or herself agaist HIV can use PrEP, regardless gender or sexual orientation.
A:基本上所有人都建議每日服用PrEP以維持藥物濃度。最新的iPERGAY研究指出,男男性行為者且非B肝帶原者也可以「依需求時使用 (on-demand PrEP)」 ,也就是性行為2-24小時前服用兩顆藥物,性行為後24小時與48小時後再各服用一顆藥物。若性行為時間達兩天以上,則除事前兩顆藥物,期間每24小時需服用一顆藥物,直到最後一天性行為後,再加兩天各一顆藥物為止。
Q: How to take PrEP?
A: Taking PrEP on a daily basis is recommended for everyone. The iPERGAY study also found it’s effective to use “on-demand” PrEP for men who have sex with men (MSM) without hepatitis B. On-demand PrEP is to take two pills 2-24 hours before sex, and take one pill 24 hours and another one 48 hours after sex. If having sex more than 1 day, then take one pill every 24 hours during sex, and take a pills two day after the last time.
Q: Does PrEP cause any side effect?
A: Most common side effects include dizziness, nausea, and stomach upset. Most of the side effects are mild to moderate, and few people will discontinue PrEP due to the side effects. Very few people have decreased bone mineral density (around 1%) and abnormal kidney function (around 0.5%). These side effects are reversible and will disappear after stopping PrEP. Therefore it’s important to follow up the kidney function you're your doctor regularly.
Q: Is PrEP 100% effective against HIV?
A: Not any method can provide 100% protection against HIV, yet PrEP is very effective to prevent HIV infection if it’s taken according to the doctor’s recommendation. PrEP cannot prevent other STDs, such as hepatitis C, syphilis, gonorrhea or Chlamydia; hence it’s important to check HIV and other STDs regularly.
Q: What are the differences between PrEP and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)?
A: Both PrEP and PEP are used by only HIV-negative people to prevent HIV infection. PrEP is “pre-exposure prophylaxis” and should be used BEFORE sex. PrEP contains two active components against HIV, i.e. tenofovir and emtricitabine. PEP is “post-exposure prophylaxis”, and must be taken within 72 hours AFTER unprotected sex. PEP contains three or more active components against HIV.
Q: Is PrEP covered by National Health Insurance in Taiwan?
A: So far PrEP is not covered by National Health Insurance in Taiwan, and the cost of brand Truvada® is around 10,000-12,000 NTD per bottle (30 pills).
A:目前在台灣約有41家指定醫院與其他診所可以取得PrEP (暴露前預防性投藥名單)。臺灣疾病管制署、縣市衛生局與全國不同的研究單位也持續有PrEP相關的研究計劃進行。我們的網站會定期更新提供PrEP的醫療院所與研究計劃的資訊。
Q: How to get PrEP in Taiwan?
A: So far there are 41 hospitals and clinics providing PrEP service in Taiwan (PrEP service ). Our website will update the information regularly on PrEP providers throughout Taiwan and demonstration projects available from Taiwan CDC, local public heath departments, and research centers.
在泰國當地可提供外國人檢驗及購買PrEP學名藥的醫療單位: Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center – Anonymous Clinic (http://en.trcarc.org/Homepage/?page⋯⋯) Silom Pulse Clinic (https://www.prep4you.org/chn-order) Bangkok Health Hub (http://www.bangkokhealthhub.com/) Love Foundation (http://prepfirst.org/tw)
在臺灣可提供線上訂購PrEP學名藥的網站: PrEP4YOU by Pulse Clinic (https://www.prep4you.org/chn-order) PrEP Taiwan (http://preptaiwan.org/)
Q: How to get generic PrEP in Taiwan?
A: At present no generic PrEP is available in Taiwan because the patent of Truvada® hasn’t expired yet. Nevertheless, it’s legal to purchase generic PrEP abroad and carry it back to Taiwan as long as it’s within reasonable quantity and for individual use only. Besides flying abroad and buying generic PrEP, you can also order generic PrEP on several online websites and let the organizations ship the drug to Taiwan. The cost of generic PrEP is around 1,200 - 2,000 NTD per bottle (30 pills). Due to lack of license in Taiwan, any side effects due to generic PrEP don’t apply to the Drug Injury Relief Law.
Clinics in Thailand where you can get tests and buy generic PrEP: Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center – Anonymous Clinic (http://en.trcarc.org/Homepage/?page⋯⋯) Silom Pulse Clinic (https://www.silompulse.com/) Bangkok Health Hub (http://www.bangkokhealthhub.com/) Love Foundation (http://lovefoundation.or.th/en)
Online websites to order generic PrEP: PrEP4YOU by Pulse Clinic (https://www.prep4you.org/) PrEP Taiwan (http://preptaiwan.org/)
A:首先要確認自己是否有感染愛滋,以及有沒有B型肝炎帶原。開始服用後應該要遵從醫師的指示,每天規律服用或是依照「依需求時使用 (on-demand PrEP)」的方式服用PrEP。在服用的過程中要三個月定期回診檢驗愛滋、肝腎功能與其他性病。最後,如果考慮停止使用PrEP的話,應該繼續定期回診,並且與醫師討論其他預防愛滋的方式。
Q: I’m ready to start PrEP now. Is there anything I should know?
A: First, you should make sure you are HIV-negative and whether you have hepatitis B before you start PrEP. Once you start PrEP, you should follow the doctor’s recommendation and take PrEP daily or as on-demand use regularly. Be sure to return to the clinic to follow up HIV, kidney and liver functions, and other STDs every 3 months. If you consider to stop PrEP, it’s still important to return to the clinic to follow up regularly and discuss with your doctor about other preventive methods for HIV.
Q: Should I still wear condom if I’m using PrEP?
A: Condom and PrEP are both effective ways to prevent HIV infection and are not mutually exclusive. You can use condom with PrEP to achieve the most effectiveness for prevention. Nevertheless, depending on personal preference, choosing either condom or PrEP, or even both condom and PrEP for prevention is still more reasonable than not taking any preventive measure at all. In addition, condom is effective against other STDS and can be used to avoid pregnancy.
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