Doxy-PEP(多喜事後丸)相關資訊 - Doxycycline 多喜黴素 - 梅毒、披衣菌預防新選擇
Doxy-PEP(多喜事後丸)相關資訊 - Doxycycline 多喜黴素 - 梅毒、披衣菌預防新選擇


Doxy-PEP是使用 Doxycycline(多喜黴素)這種抗生素作為暴露後預防性投藥。 這是一種以抗生素方式預防細菌型性病,例如梅毒與披衣菌的感染,但不是用來治療性病。 此篇文章將簡單介紹 Doxy-PEP(多喜事後丸)的使用方式與注意事項。 Doxy-PEP is a post-exposure prophylaxis that uses the antibiotic doxycycline. It is an antibiotic-based prevention for bacterial sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and chlamydia infections, but it is not intended for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. This article will briefly introduce the usage and precautions of Doxy-PEP.






  • 什麼是Doxy-PEP

    Doxy-PEP是使用 Doxycycline(多喜黴素)這種抗生素作為暴露後預防性投藥,預防細菌型性病,例如梅毒與披衣菌的感染。 這是一種預防性病的方式,但不是用來治療性病。

  • 怎麼使用Doxy-PEP

    使用的口訣是3-2-1」,也就是在「暴露後(性行為後)三天內、同時服用100 mg doxycycline 兩顆、一次服用即可」服用藥物時,建議搭配食物較少腸胃副作用,另外應避免跟牛奶一起服用影響吸收。多個大型臨床研究發現,使用Doxy-PEP可以有效減少8成左右梅毒與披衣菌的感染,但是對於淋病的預防並不全然有效,尤其是在淋病抗藥性較高的地區進行的研究結果顯示無法預防淋病。

  • 使用Doxy-PEP的預防效果如何?



  • 使用Doxy-PEP應該做什麼檢查?

    建議每三個月回診抽血篩檢HIV與梅毒,以及每三到六個月使用PCR的方式篩檢淋病與披衣菌,即便是沒有症狀也應該定期篩檢。 目前在門診,我們會建議用同一隻採檢拭子,依順序自行採集咽喉深處、尿道前端、與肛門直腸的檢體,使用pooling PCR的方式每六個月自費篩檢一次,價格約為2000元左右。

  • 自費購買Doxy-PEP的花費是多少?


  • 如果檢查有問題該怎麼辦?



  • 誰應該考慮使用Doxy-PEP


  • What is Doxy-PEP?

    Doxy-PEP is an antibiotic, named doxycycline, for post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent bacterial sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis and chlamydia. It's a preventive measure but not a treatment for STIs.

  • How to take Doxy-PEP?

    The mnemonic is "3-2-1", meaning WITHIN 3 days ( 72 hrs ) after exposure, take 2 capsules of 100 mg doxycycline, all at once. It's recommended to take it with food to reduce gastrointestinal side effects and avoid taking it with milk to ensure proper absorption.

  • What is the preventive effect of Doxy-PEP?

    Several large clinical studies have found that Doxy-PEP can effectively reduce around 80% of syphilis and chlamydia infections, but it's not entirely effective for preventing gonorrhea, especially in areas with high antibiotic resistance to gonorrhea.

  • What check-ups should be done when taking Doxy-PEP?

    It's advised to return for check-ups every 3 months for HIV and syphilis blood tests, and every 3 to 6 months for gonorrhea and chlamydia tests using PCR, even without symptoms. Sampling is done sequentially from the throat, urethra, and rectum, using pooling PCR every six months at a cost of around 2,000 NT dollars.

  • How much does it cost to purchase Doxy-PEP at one's expense?

    The cost of 2 doxycycline pills is approximately 3-5 NT dollars.

  • What to do if there are issues with the tests?

    Regardless of symptoms, anyone with positive results for syphilis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia should stop using Doxy-PEP and seek medical treatment promptly. The treatment may include oral or intramuscular antibiotics.

    Doxy-PEP alone cannot fully treat these infections, and an incomplete treatment may lead to antibiotic resistance, making future treatment more difficult.

  • Who should consider taking Doxy-PEP?

    Currently, there are no clinical guidelines recommending the prioritized use of Doxy-PEP in Taiwan.
    According to Australian and American guidelines, individuals who have had repeated syphilis or other STI infections in the past or who are at continued risk of STI exposure may consider taking Doxy-PEP to reduce the risk of syphilis and chlamydia infection.
