Doxy-PEP(多喜事後丸)相關資訊 - Doxycycline 多喜黴素 - 梅毒、披衣菌預防新選擇
Doxy-PEP是使用 Doxycycline(多喜黴素)這種抗生素作為暴露後預防性投藥。
此篇文章將簡單介紹 Doxy-PEP(多喜事後丸)的使用方式與注意事項。
Doxy-PEP is a post-exposure prophylaxis that uses the antibiotic doxycycline.
It is an antibiotic-based prevention for bacterial sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and chlamydia infections, but it is not intended for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
This article will briefly introduce the usage and precautions of Doxy-PEP.