「2023 亞太藥愛國際研討會」報名開放通知 Registration Open for the "2023 Asia-Pacific Chemsex Symposium"
「2023 亞太藥愛國際研討會」報名開放通知 Registration Open for the "2023 Asia-Pacific Chemsex Symposium"


更新: 活動已經結束,謝謝你的注意與時間,以下提供您本會議的紀錄與相關素材。 Update: The event has concluded, and we thank you for your attention and time. Below, we provide you with the records and relevant materials from this conference. 社團法人台灣新滋識同盟、衛生福利部桃園醫院、國立成功大學,誠摯歡迎您報名「2023 亞太藥愛國際研討會」。 From now on, HIV Education & Research Taiwan (H.E.A.R.T.) in collaboration with the Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, cordially invite you to register for the "2023 Asia-Pacific Chemsex Symposium".







The event has concluded, and we thank you for your attention and time. We would like to provide you with the records and relevant materials below.

Keynote Speech

Check here

A Decade of Chemsex: Past, Present, and Future

Prof. Adam Bourne

La Trobe University, Australia

Director Liang-Yu Chen

Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Check here

Next Generation of STI Prevention

Dr. Iskandar Azwa

University of Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Shu-Hsing Cheng

Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare


Chemsex and Harm Reduction: A Health and Human Rights Perspective

Prof. Peter Po-Han Lee

Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University

Prof. Monica Nai-Ying Ko

College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University 

Themed Presentation

Check here

Transition and Expansion - From HIV to AOD Services for LGBTQ+ Community

Ms. Julia Packard

Thorne Harbour Health, Australia

Dr. Stephane Wen-Wei Ku

HIV Education & Research Taiwan (H.E.A.R.T.)

Check here

Improvement of Access to Integrated Harm Reduction, HIV/AIDS, and Mental Health Education and Services for the Chemsex Community in Vietnam through a Community-Led Initiative

Mr. Doan Thanh Tung

Lighthouse Social Enterprise, Vietnam

Check here

Community-Based Model with Integrated Strategies in Taiwan

Dr. Paul, Sen Chieh Hsu

Taiwan Lourdes Association

Dr. Jian-Yu Cheng 

Department of Infectious Diseases, Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare


Clinic-Based Model with Integrated Strategies in Taiwan

Dr. Cheng Pin Chen

Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare


Chemsex Ritual and Romance among Gay and Bisexual Men who have sex with Men in Taiwan: Findings from A Qualitative Study

Prof. Poyao Huang

Institute of Health Behaviors and Community Sciences, Taiwan University

Online Posters - Poster Abstract of 2023 APCS

Album - 
Event Photos 
📷 📷 📷

Agenda & Symposium Handout 

歡迎您報名「2023 亞太藥愛國際研討會」



We are pleased to invite you to register for the "2023 Asia-Pacific Chemsex Symposium".

In the 5th Asia-Pacific Chemsex Symposium, we are about to discuss the next generation of STD care, the LGBTQ community health center and frontline workers themselves, explore harm reduction as a human right, and practical approaches to harm reduction.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we are glad to gather experts from the Asia-Pacific region once again to discuss how to better respond to the phenomenon of Chemsex and its impact on people's mental health.

We look forward to your participation and exchange of ideas. For more information about registration and poster abstract submissions, please refer to the introduction provided below. (The English version is below.)

(This agenda is available to save as a picture. 此為圖片檔,可保存。)

✔ 主辦單位:社團法人台灣新滋識同盟、衛生福利部桃園醫院、國立成功大學

✔ 活動時間:2023 年10月26日(週四)9:00 - 16:30

✔ 活動地點:台北六福萬怡酒店(七樓,超新星廳)

✔ 重要連結:



✔ 交通方式:


✔ 活動支持單位


✔ 特別感謝

感謝 國家科學及技術委員會,資助專家學者相關活動。
感謝 外交部非政府組織國際事務會,鼓勵NGO的國際交流活動。

✔ 聯絡窗口

E-mail [email protected] 
新滋識同盟Facebook https://www.facebook.com/knowhivbyheart


✔ 備註

1. 我們將提供每位實體與會來賓一份午餐餐盒。

2. 為確保會議座位,與維護中英語即時口譯設備,台灣籍出席貴賓,將會酌收 200元 報名費。請在報名表單內提供匯款帳號後五碼,以及匯款日期,以利核對報名資訊。請注意:考量國外賓客已有交通成本,以及台灣愛滋社群長期互助合作,外國賓客、台灣愛滋社群非政府組織(NGOs)夥伴,以及桃園醫院同仁不收取報名費


3. 活動主要以英語進行,現場將提供即時中英口譯,若您需要租借耳機,請攜帶個人身分證件抵押,以利現場人員作業。 (平行會議時段,Workshop B組,不提供即時口譯服務。)

4. 此表單為第一階段報名,請留意活動日前兩週(約在10月10號)之報名成功信


5. 若同一單位出席本活動,請以三位為限,如有疑問請聯繫本會工作人員。

6. 本活動預計申請:台灣愛滋病學會、台灣愛滋護理學會、台灣感染症醫學會、諮商心理師、藥師、社工師、台灣護理學會學分。

✔ Organizers

社團法人台灣新滋識同盟 HIV Education & Research Taiwan(H.E.A.R.T.)
衛生福利部桃園醫院 Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University

✔ Event Date & Time
October 26th, 2023 (Thursday) 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

✔ Venue
Courtyard by Marriott Taipei (7th Floor)

✔ Links:
Registration Formhttps://forms.gle/44ZErZ8gnJ4ZBVGP8

Poster Abstract Submissionhttps://forms.gle/rrdgfA5sZKtm8g6k8

✔ Transportation Information

- Taiwan Railways Nangang Station, High-Speed Rail Nangang Station, Taipei Metro (Bannan Line-Nangang Station)

- Car / Motorcycle (Parking fee will be covered during the event time, which is around 8 hours. Please tell the staff your car number at the registration desk, we will help to pay the parking fee at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on the event day.)

✔ Supporting Organizations

/ Gilead Sciences Hong Kong Ltd. Taiwan Branch

/ Johnson & Johnson

/ GlaxoSmithKline Far East B.V. Taiwan Branch

✔ Special Thanks

/ Department of NGO International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (TAIWAN)

/ National Science and Technology Council

✔ Contact Information

Oscar Wu [email protected] 
Facebook Fanspage of HEART https://www.facebook.com/knowhivbyheart

✔ Chinese-English Agenda (Chinese version for reference only)

✔ Notes

1. Guests who are attending in person will be provided with a lunch box.

2. To ensure the best experience quality of the symposium and the Mandarin-English interpretation equipment, Taiwanese guests will be charged 200 TWD for registration. Please provide the transfer date and the last 5 digits of your bank account number when completing the registration form to process your payment and registration.

**The registration fee is covered for overseas participants, Taoyuan Hospital, and HIV-caring NGO partners, which means foreign attendees and our partners do NOT need to pay the registration fee.

3. The main language used during the event will be English, but there will also be simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin-English available. If you require headphones for translation, you can borrow them at the venue by providing a personal ID card as a deposit. (Please note that workshop sessions do NOT provide interpretation services.)

4. Please be aware that this form is for the first stage of registration. The registration success letter (the confirmation letter) will be sent approximately two weeks before the event (around October 10th).

- Before receiving the registration success letter, if you are unable to join the symposium, we will transfer you back the registration fee with the processing fee deducted before the end of this year, and you will be asked for detailed bank information for the transfer process.

- Once we send the registration success letter, if you are unable to join the symposium eventually, there will be no refund provided. You are welcome to request the “registration receipt" or "Certificate of Participation" at the registration desk on the event day, we will e-mail you soon after.

5. Please note that each organization is limited to a maximum of 3 representatives. If you have any questions, please contact the staff for assistance.

6. This symposium is expected to apply for professional credits from the Taiwan AIDS Society, the Taiwan Association of HIV/AIDS Nurses, The Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan, Social Workers, Counseling Psychologists, and the Taiwan Nurses Association.

7月2號為臺灣「U=U Day」疾管署及民團共邀民眾在疫情後給予感染者沒有歧視的世界
